
This website is provided by:
Creditreform Accredis GmbH
Headquarters Huerth 3
50354 Huerth

Accessibility of the data protection officer:
Creditreform Accredis GmbH
data protection officer
Headquarters Huerth 3
50354 Huerth
or:  E-Mail:


Telephone   +49 2233 966 83-0
Fax             +49 2233 966 83-9

Registered in the Commercial Register: 
District Court Köln, HRB 118868

Alf Conzelmann, Ingrid Kaifer

VAT No. after § 27 a Value Added Tax Act:
DE 170795442  

Controlling authority: 
The Creditreform Accredis GmbH underlies the Legal Services Act (RDG; and is registered as a debt collection company according to § 10 Abs. 1 RDG . The company is registered with the file number 3712-564 (7) in the Legal Services Act. Approval authority is the president of the Court of Appeal Köln, Reichenspergerplatz 1, 50670 Köln.

General obligation to provide Information according § 36 of the Consumer Disclosure Law (VSBG): The Creditreform Accredis GmbH does not participate in a Dispute Settlement procedure within the meaning of the VSBG. There is no legal obligation.